Digital Health Intelligence Lab.
2024년 SW인재 페스티벌 특별상 수상컴퓨터공학부와 AI소프트웨어학과 ‘디버그’팀‘2024 SW인재 페스티벌’에 감정 분류 모델 기반 스트리밍 채팅…
디지털 헬스 인텔리전스 연구실(Digital Health Intelligence Lab., DHIL)에서는 창의적이고 열정적인 석·박사 과정 대학원생을 모집합니다.
관심 있는 지원자는 이력서(CV), 자기소개서 그리고 성적표를 jungbini dot로 보내주기 바랍니다.
The Digital Health Intelligence Lab (DHIL) is currently seeking passionate and motivated graduate students (Master’s and Ph.D.) to join our research team.
We are looking for candidates with a background in computer science, data science, AI, or related fields. Strong programming skills related machine learning, deep learning, research experience, and a passion for digital health are highly desirable.
Interested candidates should send their CV, a statement of research interests, and relevant academic transcripts to jungbini dot If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our lab, feel free to reach out!